When intending to build a fireplace or cooker, it is also worth remembering to connect its components with a material that can withstand exposure to extremely high temperatures. This type of product is certainly fireproof mortar.
The installation of structural elements exposed to very high temperatures requires specialised materials such as fire-resistant mortar. It is distinguished by its specific composition, which makes it resistant to a wide range of external factors such as extremely high temperatures or the effects of chemical compounds produced during the combustion of fuel. It is a product that has been performance-tested in independent laboratories and has the required approvals and safety certificates. Chimney mortar can also be used in the creation and maintenance of cookers, barbecues or smokers, as well as various types of industrial heating equipment.
Fireproof mortar – an extremely durable building material
The fireproof mortar offered by the Vitcas shop can be used for both the construction and renovation of domestic fireplaces or bread ovens located on a domestic property. It is a fireproof product that is also used by heating specialists. It is an ideal bonding agent for joining different types of heat-resistant materials such as insulation mats or boards. The mortar for fireplace construction can be used, even at temperatures as high as 1860°C. Thanks to a special manufacturing process, this material is lighter than traditional cement mortar. As a dry mixture made of expanded vermiculite, it needs to be mixed with the right amount of water.
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